This is a new blog. I've been out there before. You may or may not recognize me. I may or may not care. There are a handful of you whom I care deeply about, especially those of you who won't point out that I probably just misused "whom". You know who you are.
I decided to shut down my old blog because of a bunch of stuff going on in my life at the time which I decided I just couldn't write about.
Blogging is a funny thing. (Not mine, particularly.)
What I mean is that it's difficult to write about anything but yourself without offending someone, getting fired from work, or confessing something horrible which may end up on Dateline (and NO, I am not referring to trolling for 14 year olds.) Therefore you are somewhat pigeon holed in to talking about only YOURSELF, which, let's face it -- even from someone as dazzlingly entertaining as myself* -- gets old. Especially if all you want to do is whine.
At this point I'm done whining and ready to make copious fun of myself again. Let's hope the last several months have provided me enough material to do so, and that the coming ones will keep you interested.
Once I figure out this new template, I'll add some funner people to read.