Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hi, Rob. I've missed you. I need to get the word out to my other reader that I'm Back.

Part of my "exit package" included career counseling, which, truly, is pretty cool. Because I've only had one job in my life and I have NEVER had to look for another job, I wouldn't even know where to start.

Career Counseling is a fabulous untapped business opportunity, kiddilies. Seriously. What could be better than losing your job and then starting up a company to help other people who have lost their jobs? (I'm not kidding; most of the people who work there either (1) started the company after being "downsized", "laid off", or "whatever"; or (2) were recruited when they, themselves, were looking for work.)


All cynicism aside, it is a good thing.

Today I attended my first two classes, after filling out 3 assessment tests, which are supposed to Help One Figure Out What One Wants To Be When One Grows Up (or lose their job, see "laid off", below), and it was helpful and actually, uhm... fun. Good to get out of the house in something other than plaid PJ bottoms or my husband's sweat pants.

I had to get up at 6:30, jump in the shower, feed the dogs, feed the cat, make coffee, pack the husband's lunch, shake him awake, and then hurl myself into rush hour with the rest of the world with my VW "We Need Drivers" coffee mug in hand.

Yeah, okay? I'd rather be sleeping. There is a certain part of me, when not weeping, letting the dogs in and out and in and out and FEEDING THE GODDAMN SCREAMING CAT (who is apparently going for an Enquirer cover story for The World's Fattest Oldest Most Annoying Cat In the World), gnashing my teeth in general frustration and boredom, and bothering my friends who still have jobs, that has become accustomed to, and perhaps even enjoying, NOT working.


Okay so really, maybe I just like not having to get started -- I mean truly started -- until something like 9:30am as opposed to 6:30am. Otherwise, getting out of the house was divine.

In any case, it was a good day. I actually felt like I earned my cocktail.

Which I'm having right now.



Anonymous said...


I are glad you're blogging again. :D

Sorry about your job, though. Getting "Fired with Benefits" is a big steaming pile of suck. I guess it does beat fired with NO benefits. Marginally.

Anyway, I found your new link on NGD's site.

And if I type in my google/blogger identity, it always posts something fucked up, like my actual name, which I do my best to avoid associating with my online name.

Anyway, this is Loopy, and I will check back again with you.

goingloopy at yahoo dot com (I get enough spam without inviting more.)

Anonymous said...

Just not a good idea
